Friday, May 29, 2009

The GFC works for some

Before I started my PJ business I worked as a marketing consultant for small to medium businesses. The GFC has certainly had a impact on the Financial services sector ( the industry I find my self in, again, today.) But I'm pleased that it seems to have helped some of my friends who are still consulting to the small to medium business.

I attended a course on how to Blog over the weekend and met a number of people who have reinforce my view. Kerrie who runs Kezza's marketing works primarily for this sector. I also met Natasha who runs a small business distributing education resources that allow her spend time with her young child.
I thought this photo was lovely it was shot by Laurence & Annie


A year and a half ago I re-entered the corporate sector after running my own business for around four years. It was a big decision and one that I did not make lightly. I loved designing and selling children's PJ's but I had to make the difficult decision that it was no longer financially viable - it was just too difficult to compete with the larger manufacturers.

The thing that I found fascinating was how valuable this experience ended up being for my corporate career. I was concerned that a children's pyjamas designer would have little to no relevance in the corporate sector. It turns out I was wrong.